Number of Staff and Executive Personnel in Hajj Will be Reduced Number of Staff and Executive Personnel in Hajj Will be Reduced Number of Staff and Executive Personnel in Hajj Will be Reduced
Number of Staff and Executive Personnel in Hajj Will be Reduced Number of Staff and Executive Personnel in Hajj Will be Reduced Number of Staff and Executive Personnel in Hajj Will be Reduced Number of Staff and Executive Personnel in Hajj Will be Reduced Number of Staff and Executive Personnel in Hajj Will be Reduced

Number of Staff and Executive Personnel in Hajj Will be Reduced

Supreme Leader’s Representative in Hajj and Pilgrimage Affairs declares resolution of Supreme Leader Delegation Office and Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization to reduce the number of expeditionary agents and officers to tamattu hajj with the required quality being preserved.

Number of Staff and Executive Personnel in Hajj Will be Reduced

Supreme Leader’s Representative in Hajj and Pilgrimage Affairs declares resolution of Supreme Leader Delegation Office and Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization to reduce the number of expeditionary agents and officers to tamattu hajj with the required quality being preserved.   

As reported by Hajj Information Base, Hojjat al-Islam Seyed Abdolfattah Navvab, who referred to the plans arranged for the following hajj ceremony, declared resolution of Supreme Leader Delegation Office and Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization to reduce the number of expeditionary agents and officers to tamattu hajj with the required quality being preserved in the session of Planning and Cooperation Council of Supreme Leader Delegation Office and Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization held on 24 Dec. 2019.

Supervisor of Iranian Pilgrims emphasized that: “Application of available updated means and facilities aimed at arrangement of hajj affairs could be of great avail in reduction of the number of expeditionary agents and officers. Measures should thus be taken to reach at a reduced number of expeditionary agents with the required quality and efficiency being preserved.”   

Making a report on the activities undertaken by Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization respecting required plans and collaborations in 2020 hajj, Chairman of Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization Mr. Alireza Rashidian said: “All colleagues in my Organization, collaborated by those at Supreme Leader Delegation Office, are making attempts in cultural and executive fields for completion of 2020 hajj operations. Such plans are hoped to be fulfilled in due course.”   

In this session, Officer in Charge of Representative Office of Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization in Iraq Mr. Mohsen Nezafati made a report on the latest status of dispatching Iranian pilgrims to Iraq’s Holy Shrines, stating that: “After Arbaeen ceremony, Iranian pilgrims are still traveling by air and no special problem has yet occurred. All previous plans are lodged in pilgrimage package of pilgrims.”

He further declared that: “Thanks to endeavors adopted by Supreme Leader Delegation Office and Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization, pilgrimage trajectories in Karbala and Najaf are organized in such a way that pilgrims will not confront problems. Fortunately, there has been no offence to Iranian pilgrims to date.”

Director-General of Office for Planning and Supervision over Iraq’s Holy Shrines Affairs to Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization Hojjat al-Islam Sohbatollah Rahmani proclaimed that: “Pilgrims are currently dispatched to Syria as well as Iraq’s Holy Shrines. We will pursue a new round of registration of pilgrims in Hajj Organization’s website to be dispatched to Iraq.”  

Deputy of Hajj and Pilgrimage Affairs Office to Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization Mr. Akbar Rezaei said in this session: “Followed by our negotiations and conclusion of 2020 hajj agreement, executive affairs were accelerated. In the field of accommodation, supervisory and legal communications are rendered through notification of general policies and review of contracts.”

He added that: “A commission will soon be dispatched to Saudi Arabia to closely pursue the issue of provision of rental accommodations for pilgrims in 2020 hajj.”

Referring to notices issued by Hajj Organization calling upon pilgrims to complete and update their information in the Organization’s website, Mr. Rezaei pointed out that: “Presently, a number of around 60,000 pilgrims have expressed their readiness to attend 2020 hajj ceremonies.”

He noted that: “Hajj timetable has been notified to pertinent departments and we are busy completing executive tasks. Registration software is also updated. In the fields of alimentation and logistics, pertinent food planning and pathologies are close to be finalized.”

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